Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My feeling of leaving my school...

          Today is last day of school, 18.11.2011. I remember I cry 5 times in school. The first time is when I am standard 1, the first day of school I cried because I don't want go to school. The 2nD time, is because I cannot find my way back home xD 3rD time, I did something wrong to my friend so I cried =( Sorry Ja =) and the 4th time, I forgot to bring my homework and got bit by teacher >< but I almost forgot all the things but I remember the clearest is the last time, today 'cause I am leaving my school. It's funny the first time I cried because I don't want go to school but now, I don't want to leave my school.
           This school made my life full of colors, full of happy and the time taught me how to treasure my friends, how to love my school. I miss the sound when we play together, I miss the sound when we read together, I miss the sound of our laughing sound and the sound of the teaching sound...
            The school are made of laughing sound, teaching sound... When I am on my car, I turn back and I saw the school waving to me and telling me : " Carmen, study must hard and......." I can't hear the full sentence but I know it is important so I replied : " I will, bye my best friend..."
             So in here I want to say Thanks all my friends, my good friends, my best friends who gave me brave, who gave me happiness, who gave me strength to do something, who gave me full of rainbow in the school, who gave me lots of memory.... and Thanks for the teachers who gave me knowledge, who taught me how to treasure my life, who taught me be happy in my life....Thanks =')
             I sweep away all my bad memories as the wind come and go. Bye, my school.....
Carmen Summer 

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